How Will Your Website Rank In The New Google?

Google is constantly evolving. Usually the changes are kept under wraps and webmasters have very little warning about how things might change.

This time, however, Google is making the new results public before they go live. Their doing this in order to solicit feedback about the effectiveness of their new approach.

One benefit of this new openness is that website owners can preview the results and make adjustments to their sites if they aren’t pleased with what’s coming.

You can compare your current Google results with the new results (the update is called Caffeine) and see if you’re going to move up or down when the change takes place.

Of course, the final algorithm will likely be tweaked before release, but this comparison site allows you some insight into what’s ahead.

P.S. the comparison site is on Facesaerch (which is for sale). You type in a name and it finds the the face matching the name. Give it a try with your name. Maybe you’ll like what you find and decide to buy the site.

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