Why Size Doesn’t Matter

You’re looking at Google Analytics and checking the stats for your website and your blog. The numbers are small. You start to worry. You know that some blogs have hundreds of thousands of visitors and subscribers. Some websites get millions of visitors. Your numbers feel pretty small by comparison.

Here’s the thing – you’re not ever going to get huge numbers coming to a website or blog about divorce. It’s not interesting to most people and when it is interesting it’s only interesting for a short time. Getting big numbers isn’t important.

Big traffic just doesn’t matter. What is, however, important is reaching the people who need your services. Reaching 100 people who need your services is far more valuable to you than reaching 10,000 people who don’t need your services. Those 100 people will get to know you through your site. They’ll start to like you and trust you. Soon they’ll come in and meet with you and get started on their divorce.

As you write copy for your site, as you create audio and video, think about your relationship with those 100 people. Think about the impression you make with your words. Think about them as human beings that are experiencing and crisis and tell them the things they want and need to hear. Don’t create content for everybody. Create it for that one person you need to touch. That small audience will make you successful.

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