Networking, Defined

Networking gets complicated when we talk about it. We’ve got schedules, calendars, software, systems, etc., etc., etc.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

At its core, networking is easy to understand and easy to do.

The definition I’ve adopted for networking is “Do something for someone else and expect nothing in return.”

That’s it. Simple.

And it’s easy to do. You can do it at a very basic level by holding the door open for someone at Starbucks. You can take it up a notch by offering to edit someone’s resume. You can spread it in different directions by making a referral, offering to video record a friend teaching a CLE, or babysitting on short notice. You could even give some legal advice to someone in need of some help.

Be on the lookout all of the time for opportunities to help. They’re everywhere you look. They’re right in front of you, right now.

Keep it simple. Networking is the oldest marketing tactic. It feels good, and it works.

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