How to Live Your Dreams

I wish I could tell you how to live your dreams. Unfortunately, I don’t know what your dreams are.

It really doesn’t matter if I know what you’re dreaming. The question is, do you know what your dreams are?

Do you have something you’re working toward? Do you have a vision of where you’re headed?

It’s easy to get on the train of high school, college, law school, law firm, and then ownership of a family law practice. Here we are.

Is this really where we want to be?

If so, great. You’re already living your dream.

If this isn’t your dream, then all is well so long as you know what your dream is. If you have a clear sense of what you’re seeking, then you can get yourself on track to get there. We lawyers are pretty skilled at drawing a line from point A to point B and following the path.

The problem some of us face is not knowing what we want. We’ve concluded that we don’t like what we’ve got, but we don’t know where we should be headed. That’s a big problem.

I’ve talked about this topic before and suggested that if you aren’t clear on your goals and dreams, you should spend some time thinking. After getting some feedback, I don’t know that my advice was good enough. I think many of us may need more input than we get from quiet reflection. We may need the thoughts and advice of others to help us reformulate our new destination.

I’d suggest you start seeking out alternative approaches to figuring out what you’d like to do with your life. In conversations with attorneys over the past week, we’ve talked about retreats, seminars, and counseling. I think they’re all good options and are worthy of your consideration if you’re assessing your situation. There are more options available than you’ll have time to try.

Do some research and see what’s available to you. I’d love to hear what about what you find, how it helps you, and what you conclude.

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