Here’s One of the Few Lawyers Willing to Be Different

Your marketing needs to be different if it’s going to stand out. If it doesn’t stand out, it’s not going to work.

That’s true whether you’re advertising, networking, or putting signs up outside your building. If you’re doing what everyone else is doing, then it’s invisible.

Standing out is scary. It feels risky. Sadly, we tend to do what everyone else is doing when it comes to marketing.

Do a search on “Utah Divorce,” and you’ll see lots of ads for Utah divorce lawyers. What are the headlines on the ads? They’re almost all “Utah Divorce Lawyer.” They’re indistinguishable. No one even tries to stand out.

Erik Johnson in Salt Lake City, however, is willing to stand out. He’s doing something different.

Take a look at his site, Divorce Utah, and click on the video featuring his picture. The video lasts about a minute, and it’s unlike anything you’re going to see on anyone else’s site. It’s different.

What’s special about you? What are you doing to stand out? Are you willing to be different?

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