The Most Annoying Website "Feature"

Imagine you’re getting a divorce.

You’re at the office in your workstation. You feel like shit after the latest round with your spouse.

You decide to hunt for help. You turn to Google and search on “‘Your City’ divorce lawyer.”

A bunch of sites pop up, and you click on one that looks interesting.

The site comes up, and you start to scan the page when a little person walks out onto your screen and starts talking.

OMG, it’s a video of the lawyer, and he’s talking about divorce. “Divorce is difficult,” he says loudly.

Heads pop up from cubes around the room, trying to identify the source of the shouting.

You’re frantically scrambling to stop the audio. You’re desperately trying to make it stop while the lawyer keeps talking.

This lawyer might as well have said, “Look over here folks: look at this guy researching Viagra.”

You’re not sure how you’re going to escape this humiliating moment, but you’re sure of one thing: you will never hire that lawyer.

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